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William Samuel was a prolific writer of metaphysics, Truth, religion, science and Self-discovery. He was a beloved, humble, soft spoken, gentle light and spiritual teacher to many who were led to him. Those who listened to his words and read his books have experienced for themselves genuine spiritual awakening. Even since his passing, his beautiful work, his extraordinary teaching, and his words are still able to touch the HEART and lead you to your very own Self-discovery. He has found a way to communicate the Truth that can show you how to find the Ineffable, here, with healing on its wings.
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William grew up and made his home in the beautiful village of Mountain Brook, Alabama. "The Universe is my home," he said, "but I choose to walk the fields and quiet hills of Alabama." William Samuel devoted his life to the search for Truth. His quest to study at the fountainheads of the worlds' ideas took him twice around the globe, into its remotest places, including several years in the Orient. A soldier for many years, he then became a writer, lecturer and teacher whose love for the outdoors was such that many of his metaphysical classes were held under the pines or aboard his little house-boat, "the good ship Lollygog," drifting along the banks of the silent Coosa.
Mr. Samuel enjoyed a world-wide correspondence with those he has helped find the fabled "peace beyond understanding." The growing demand for his clear, simple, and effective instruction has prompted us to help continue with his work, and keep the correspondence flowing.
William Samuel's words are not theory, William Samuel faithfully LIVED the words he wrote. We are blessed that he left us with his extraordinary insights, discoveries and understanding. He points the way for us so that through Self-discovery we find our Peace and Tranquillity also.
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The following excerpts from William Samuel's writings may be read online:
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